
Threw in my first intersquad in 15 months today! Actually struck out the side. Definitely rusty but I’m pumped about it!
– Caleb Mitchell, LHP/UNG

I love your content and sent today’s post to a freshman pitcher we have. Working on the front leg and being strong there, I thought it really applied!
– Justin Scali, Head Coach Piedmont College

You’re a pro – sincerely thank you for going above and beyond with Matthew
– Michael Hoover

Hey I just wanted to let you know that I Committed to play baseball at Brewton Parker College. And I would like to thank you for working with me and helping me get where I need to be cause this would not be possible without you. Thank you so much!
– Rocky Middleton

First Collegiate win tonight. Just wanted to tell you I appreciate you!
– Caleb Mitchell, LHP/UNG

First game since last March… Hit 87!!! Thanks for everything!!!
– Carson Taggart

Back to where I was. So happy Alex. Came in with the bases loaded but no earned runs. Everything you have done for me means the world. Just the beginning.
– Elan Lieberman

Hey Alex, Cameron used you biomechanics during his game and pitched 88 today at the WWBA 17U tournament! This is Huge! PG is showing his numbers!
– Sandy Stewart

Thank you for everything you have done to get me 2 this point. Seriously means the world Alex. I am so grateful
– Elan Lieberman

Love you, you physical terrorist… but seriously without you, I wouldn’t have had an opportunity at Guilford, or be in the place Im at right now. Your one of the faces I see when I enter a game from the pen. You’re out there with me everytime I the ball. Im so thankful for you and everything you’ve done for me.
– Joey Kooken

Just wanted to thank you for all your help and getting me ready. Pen today was probably the best Ive had in a long time. I was 87-88 with command at 80% effort.
– Brandon Thomas

I thought you would love to know that Carson just hit 90!
– Beth Taggart

Hit 90 like you told me to today!! Thanks again for working with me.
– Carson Taggart

Hey I pitched yesterday. Topped 88 and threw 14 pitches, Tulane, Air Force, and Samford texted me.
– Peyton Robidoux

Im back, I hit 88 today.
– Colby James, RHP/Ogelthorpe University

Just wanted to let you know I committed to Davidson last night!! Wouldnt have been possible without all your help. Really appreciate you. Also hit 92.4 in a bullpen this morning.
– Carson Taggart

Look who has been ranked 8th catcher in the state of Ga and 57th overall!
– Geno Goralski

Just checked out your breakdown video and it was definitely the most informative, helpful perspective I’ve ever received from a mechanical standpoint. Really Appreciate it!
– Landon Brice

The work you did over the summer has been game changing. Arm has been feeling better than ever.
– Cole Garrett

Brother, you are a great coach/trainer/therapist. But man, you are a better man. Your care and attention with Walker has been a huge blessing.
– Matt Frey

Alex!!! I hit 88 and went 4 ⅔ inn with 12 Ks!!!
– Isaac Brody

All that work with you is making me a whole new pitcher. Thank you again for everything.
– Isaac Brody

Hey Alex! I currently have a subacromial pain patient that was having pain and limited abduction. I saw your video the other day with your baseball player and tried a very similar approach with him today and it made a huge difference with his quality and tolerance for motion today. I really appreciate your content and how much you put into advancing the profession!
– Matt Swafford

Was 91-93 today with a punch. Movement numbers were money.
– Brian Zeldin, RHP/UGA

After going through treatment I continued practicing the exercises given to me resulting in me feeling the best I have ever felt as an athlete. The experience changed my view on how to stay to healthy and gain strength through mobility.
– Luke Jacobellis

Just watched my boy pitch for the first time in over a year. He did great!!! More than a few tears shed by a happy mom! And you should have seen him smile.
– Dawn Hawkins

Have I ever told you that you have inspired Benny to want to pursue physical therapy/sports medicine? You are truly gifted!
– Benny Grissett

Felt nails! I was 91-94, topped 95!
– Nick Neidert, RHP/Chicago Cubs

Hey Alex, Just wanted to thank you for the session with Andrew today. He says his elbow already feels so much better! Ched said you were one of the best, and he undersold you!
– Paul

Wow, are you like the pitching whisperer? This is great! Ive always understood what was wrong but couldn’t break down the mechanics of it. Your experience and degree really show!!! Thank you! I am thrilled to have you to save Charlie’s body from permanent damage and the aches and pains which follow us brutally in adulthood!

Beebe, there is absolutely no word of thanks that I can say to tell you how much this means to her. The smile that lights up a room was back. Thank you for not giving up and for pushing her.
– Seymour

Thought you’d like to know, Jamie’s first summer outing. 5 inning, 1 hit, 7 K’s, 86 pitches, 86 mph
– Antonio Vicens

Alex is God sent… Weve been dealing with this for 2 years and hes the one that gave us an accurate diagnosis and set up visit with Atlanta Braves physician
– Ed Morris

Got the win in my debut yesterday! Thank you for everything Alex!
– Darrel Johnson RHP/Memphis

Hey wanted to let you know I committed to Flagler College. Its been a process and you helped me through, I really appreciate what you have done for me.
– Will Fairris

Today was historic – first time he threw 88 mph pitching on the mound at age 16.
– Sandy Stewart

Followed up with —- and —-. Kids and their parents all love you. They both did PT elsewhere previously and both say it is night and day vs what they do with you. Just wanted to let you know the positive feedback.
– Robert Bowers, Atlanta Braves/Georgia Tech Physician

Hey coach Alex, its Emmett Ward, just wanted to let you know that I made the highschool team. Thank you for everything you do.
– Emmett Ward

Hey Alex, I hit 87 today! I went 2 ⅔ with 8 K’s. Thank you for everything!
– Isaac Brody

JW pitched 4 innings. 62 pitches, 44 strikes. 6 hits, 1 BB, 4 Ks. He didn’t mention any discomfort this morning and was excited last night. He hadn’t pitched like in atleast 1.5 years.
– Lauren Brown

Threw Friday and closed the game. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me! It means a lot.
– Ethan Anderson, RHP/Georgia Gwinnett College

– 1,2,3 inning. First outing on JV!
Joe Ward

Hey Doc! Mac was on a heater yesterday. 3 straight innings, 3 scalps at second. No complaints about arm pain! And that was after 2 in a row the tourney before!
– Lev Vaysman

You are one of people! Super talented PR, very professional and truly knows baseball! That level of excellence is difficult to find. We are grateful to you, Alex.
– Sandy Stewart

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